TIL: You can watch for nested properties changing in React's useEffect() hook
You can use nested properties in React's useEffect() dependency array.

Today I learned: you can watch for nested properties changing in React's useEffect()
hook by using dot notation in the dependency array, like so:
// hook runs whenever someValue.someNestedValue is updated
useEffect(()=> {
// do something
}, [someValue.someNestedValue])
React's useEffect()
hook lets you perform a side-effect in a functional component. That is, whenever the component updates, whatever code you put in the useEffect()
hook executes.
By default, the hook runs on every component update, which for performance reasons we should avoid:
useEffect(()=> {
// I run when ANYTHING updates
But, we can optionally pass a dependency array as a second argument to tell React to only re-run the hook when the specified dependencies update:
useEffect(()=> {
// I only run when someValue updates
}, [someValue])
But what about if you have nested data, say an object containing form data, e.g.
const values = {
name: 'Aileen',
age: 26,
city: 'Edinburgh',
favoriteFood: 'pizza 🍕'
What if I want to trigger a side-effect when the user updates just their age, and not when any other value changes?
It seems obvious in hindsight, but you can watch for nested values changing simply by referencing the nested property with dot notation:
useEffect(()=> {
}, [values.age])
Additionally, we can trigger the useEffect()
hook for deeper nested objects if necessary:
useEffect(()=> {
// do something
}, [someValue.someNestedValue.someDeeplyNestedValue])